13 September 2008


Peer-reviewed journals and book chapters:
  • Adams, R.S., Mann, L., Jordan, S. & Daly, S. (2007). ”Exploring the boundaries: language, roles, and structures in cross-disciplinary design teams.” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Design Thinking Research Symposium, London.
  • Cardella, M.E., Atman, C.J., Turns, J., and R. S. Adams (2007). “Students with Differing Design Processes as Freshmen: Case Studies on Change.” International Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on the Harvey Mudd VI Design Education Workshop.
  • Atman, C.J., Yasuhara, K., Adams, R.S., Barker, T., Turns, J., and E. Rhone (2007). “Breadth in Problem Scoping: A Comparison of Freshman and Senior Engineering Students.” International Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on the Harvey Mudd VI Design Education Workshop.
  • Atman, C.J., Adams, R.S., Mosborg, S., Cardella, M. E., Turns, J. and J. Saleem (2007). “Engineering Design Processes: A Comparison of Students and Expert Practitioners.” Journal of Engineering Education, 96(4).
  • Hjmarlson, M., M. Cardella & R. Adams (2006). “Uncertainty in design.” In R. Lesh, E. Hamilton, and J. Kaput (Eds), Models & Modeling as Foundations for the Future in Mathematics. Erlbaum: New York.
  • Turns, J., R. S. Adams, J. Martin, M. Cardella, S. Mosborg & C. J. Atman (2006). “Tackling the Research-to-Practice Challenge in Engineering Design Education: Insights from a User-Centered Design Perspective,” International Journal of Engineering Education (invited paper).
  • Cardella, M. E., C. J. Atman and R. S. Adams (2006). “Mapping between design activities and external representations for engineering student designers”, Design Studies, 27(1), pp. 5-24.
  • The Steering Committee for the National Engineering Education Research Colloquies (SCNEERC) (2006). “Special Report: The Research Agenda for the New Discipline of Engineering Education.” Journal of Engineering Education, October, pp. 259-261.
  • The Steering Committee for the National Engineering Education Research Colloquies (SCNEERC) (2006). “Special Report: The National Engineering Education Research Colloquies.” Journal of Engineering Education, October, pp. 257-258.
  • Atman, C.J., M.E. Cardella, J. Turns & R. Adams (2005). “Comparing freshman and senior engineering design processes: an in-depth follow-up study.” Design Studies, 26(4), pp. 324-357.
  • Turns, J., C.J. Atman, R.S. Adams & T. Barker (2005). “Research on Engineering Student Knowing: Trends and Opportunities”, Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue, 94(1), pp. 27-40.
  • Turns, J., R. S. Adams, A. Linse & C. J. Atman (2003). “Bridging from Research to Teaching in Undergraduate Engineering Design Education.” International Journal of Engineering Education, 20(3), pp. 379-390.
  • Adams, R. S., J. Turns and C. J. Atman (2003). “Educating effective engineering designers: The role of reflective practice”. Design Studies, Special Issue on Designing in Context, 24(3), pp. 275-294. (Received the best paper award for 2003)
  • Adams, R. S., C. J. Atman, R. Nakamura, G. Kalonji and D. Denton (2001). “Assessment of an international freshmen research and design experience: A triangulation study”, International Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on Assessment, Vol 18 (2).
  • Turns, J., C. J. Atman and R. Adams (2000). “Concept maps for Engineering Education: A cognitively motivated tool supporting varied assessment functions,” IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Assessment, 43(2), pp. 164-173.
  • Safoutin, M., C. J. Atman, R. Adams, T. R. Shuman, J. Kramlich, and J. Fridley (2000). “A design attribute framework for course planning and learning assessment,” IEEE Transactions, Special Issue on Assessment, May.

Peer-reviewed conference publications:

  • Allendorfer, C., Adams, R.S., and L. Fleming (2008). “Becoming and Engineering Education Researcher: Finding Pathways toward Interdisciplinarity.” Submitted to the Annual Global Engineering Education Conference, Cape Town.
  • Adams, R.S., Mann, L., N. Beltz and D. Wilson (2008). “Supporting cross-disciplinary competencies: Using research in practice.” Submitted to the Annual Global Engineering Education Conference, Cape Town.
  • Pears, A., Fincher, A., Adams, R. and M. Daniels (2008). “Stepping Stones: Capacity Building in Engineering Education.” Proceedings of the Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga, October.
  • Jordan, S. and R. Adams (2008). “…A Good Imagination and a Pile of Junk.” Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Conference, Pittsburgh.
  • Daly, S. and R. Adams (2008). “Can Design be a Common Ground between Disciplines?” Proceedings of the Annual ASEE Conference, Pittsburgh.
  • Adams, R., Fleming, L., and K. Smith (2007). “Becoming an Engineering Education Researcher: Intersections, Extensions, and Lessons Learned among Three Researchers’ Stories.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Engineering Education (ICREE), Honolulu, HI.
  • Allendoerfer, C., Bates, R., High, K.A., Meadows, L., Masters, K., Stwalley, C., and Adams, R.S. (2007). Communities of practice in engineering education: How do we investigate diversity and global engineering? Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2007, Milwaukee, WI.
  • Oware, E., Diefes-Dux, H., and R. Adams (2007). “Photo-elicitation as a Research Method for Investigating Conceptions of Engineering.” Proceedings of the SEFI Conference, Turkey.
  • Adams, R., Allendoerfer, C., Rhoulac Smith, T., Socha, D., Williams, D., and Yasuhara, K. (2007). Storytelling in engineering education. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2007, Honolulu, HI.
  • Allendoerfer, C., Bates, R., Hernandez, J., Jones, S. and Adams, R.S. (2007). Diversity in engineering education research: Insights from three study designs. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 2007, Honolulu, HI.
  • Atman, C.J., Rhone, E. Adams, R.S., Turns, J., Barker, T. & Yasuhara, K. (2007). “Breadth in Problem-Scoping: A Comparison Freshman and Senior Engineering Students.” Proceedings of the Harvey Mudd Design Conference, Claremont.
  • Cardella, M.E., Atman, C.J., Turns, J. & Adams, R.S. (2007). ”Students with Differing Design Processes as Freshmen: Case Studies on Change.” Proceedings of the Harvey Mudd Design Conference, Claremont.
  • Allendoerfer, C. R. Adams, P. Bell, L. Fleming, and L.Leifer (2007). “Becoming an Engineering Education Researcher: Finding Pathways toward Interdisciplinarity.” Accepted for publication for the Annual American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago.
  • Adams, R.S., C. Allendoerfer, P. Bell, H. Chen, L. Fleming, L. Leifer, B. Maring and D. Williams (2006). “A Model for Building and Sustaining a Community of Engineering Education Research Scholars.” Proceedings of the Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Chicago.
  • Diefes-Dux, H., R. Adams, M. Cox, and D. Follman (2006). “Community Building and Identity Development Through Graduate Coursework in Engineering Education.” Proceedings of the Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Chicago.
  • Turns, J., R. S. Adams, J. Martin, M. Cardella, S. Mosborg & C. J. Atman (2005). “Tackling the Research-to-Practice Challenge in Engineering Design Education: Insights from a User-Centered Design Perspective.” Proceedings of the Harvey Mudd Design Workshop V – Learning and Engineering Design, Claremont, May.
  • Mosborg, S., R. Adams, R. Kim, C. J. Atman, J. Turns & M. Cardella (2005). “Conceptions of the Engineering Design Process: An Expert Study of Advanced Practicing Professionals.” Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Portland, June.
  • Adams, R. & T. Cummings-Bond (2004). “Career Trajectories in Engineering Education.” Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Salt Lake City, June.
  • Sheppard, S., C. J. Atman, R. Stevens, L. Fleming, R. Streveler, R. Adams & T. Barker (2004). “Studying the Engineering Student Experience: Design of a Longitudinal Study.” Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Salt Lake City, June.
  • Adams, R., J. Turns & C. J. Atman (2003). “What could design learning look like?” Proceedings of the annual Design Thinking Research Symposium VI, November, Sydney.
  • Atman, C. J., J. Turns, M. E. Cardella & R. Adams (2003). “The Design Processes of Engineering Educators: Thick Descriptions and Potential Implications.” Proceedings of the annual Design Thinking Research Symposium VI, November, Sydney.
  • Turns, J., R. S. Adams, A. Linse & C. J. Atman (2003). “Bridging from Research to Teaching in Undergraduate Engineering Design Education.” Proceedings of the Mudd Design Workshop IV, July, Pomona.
  • Davis, D., M. Trevisan, D. McLean, P. Daniels, K. Gentili, C. Atman, R. Adams, S. Beyerlein & J. McCauley (2003). “A Model for Transferable Integrated Design Engineering Education.” Proceedings of the World Federation Engineering Organization, June, Nashville.
  • Rhone, E., R. Adams, J. Turns & C. J. Atman (2003). “Assessing IE Students’ Preparedness for Practice: Do They Think Broadly?” Proceedings of the annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May, Portland.
  • Turns, J., M. Valeriano & R. S. Adams (2003). “Websites for engineering educators: A benchmark study to identify best practices.” Proceedings of the annual Frontiers in Education Conference, November, Denver, S1A6-S1A11.
  • Adams, R. S. (2002). “Understanding design iteration: Representations from an empirical study.” In D. Durling & J. Shackleton (Eds), Common Ground: Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference at Brunel University (pp. 1151-1161). Staffordshire University Press: UK.
  • Turns, J., C. J. Atman, M. Cardella and R. Adams (2002). “Do we see within-subject change? Four cases of engineering student design processes.” In D. Durling & J. Shackleton (Eds), Common Ground: Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference at Brunel University (pp. 1151-1161). Staffordshire University Press: UK.
  • Linse, A. R., D. D. Denton, R. Adams (2002). “Making assessment projects sustainable: Using mid-term class interviews to gather student feedback in an international research and design course,” Proceedings of the Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, November, Boston.
  • Adams, R. S., P. Punnakanta, C. J. Atman and C. D. Lewis (2002). "Comparing design team self-reports with actual performance: Cross-validating assessment instruments," Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, June, Montreal, Canada
  • Cardella, M. E., C. J. Atman, R. S. Adams and J. Turns (2002). "Engineering student design processes: Looking at evaluation practices across problems," Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, June, Montreal, Canada
  • Martin, J., R. Adams and J. Turns (2002). “Who listens to whom? A citation analysis of recent papers on engineering design education,” Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, June, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1737-1745.
  • Turns, J., R. S. Adams and C. J. Atman (2002). “Moving from research to practice in undergraduate engineering design education,” Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences, October, Seattle, pp. 592-593.
  • Nelson, K. E., R. S. Adams, M. E. Lidstrom, J. Bonadio, D. A. Stahl and C. J. Atman (2002). “Teaching Biology From an Engineering Perspective: Developing a New Course that Integrates Biology Into Undergraduate Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the Annual American Society of Engineering Education Conference, June, Montreal, Canada.
  • Tanimoto, S., R. Adams, C. Atman, E. Hunt, W. Winn (2002). “Unobtrusive assessment in online learning: Methodology and tool,” Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences, October, Seattle.
  • Adams, R. S., J. Turns and C. J. Atman (2001). “Educating effective engineering designers: The role of reflective practice,” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Design Thinking Research Symposium (DTRS), December, Delft, Netherlands.
  • Adams, R. and C. J. Atman (2000). “Characterizing engineering student design processes: An illustration of iteration,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education, June, St. Louis.
  • Atman, C.J., Adams, R. & Turns, J. (2000). “Using multiple methods to evaluate a freshmen design course,” Proceedings of the Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, October, Kansas City, pp. S1A6-S1A13.
  • Adams, R. and C. J. Atman (1999). “Cognitive processes in iterative design behavior,” Proceedings of the Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, November, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • Calalang, R., R. Adams and J. Fridley (1997). "Meeting Washington State educational goals: University of Washington’s ECSEL Design Too Workshop,” Proceedings of the Annual Frontiers in Education Conference, November, Pittsburgh.